JAKARTA (January 12, 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, represented by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, attended the Dinner & Cultural Performance Night between the Sahid Jaya Foundation & Shinhan University at Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/1/23).
The event held by Sahid Group is an appreciation for collaboration with Shinhan University from South Korea.
The Ministry of Social Affairs, representing Indonesia, supports and appreciates the Sahid Group's collaboration with Shinhan University.
"The Minister of Social Affairs advised about harmonious relations between Korea and Indonesia in various fields, as with the Sahid Group, the Ministry of Social Affairs can also carry out constructive cooperation in various matters, including in developing human resources for the ranks of the Ministry of Social Affairs in particular and of course other related ministries," said Harry.
Harry said the always-oriented progress mindset in Korean society becomes the Minister's interest and concern.
In addition, the Minister said that the rapid progress in technology, Korean music, and film industry was due to the comprehensive educational system. The statement came out when she received a delegation from Tongmyong University and the Secretary General of the Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia-Pacific Cities at the Ministry of Social Affairs office to give a public lecture on October 27, 2022.
Harry said building human resources in Korea is not only soft skills but also hard skills supported by reliable technology and information and has a competitive advantage internationally.
The way Korea builds human resources can also be a lesson for educational institutions under the Ministry of Social Affairs, specifically the students of the Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos). The Poltekesos academic community can conduct student exchanges or conduct visits to exchange knowledge about social work practices in Korea.
"With this student exchange, we hope that they can learn to carry out social work practices in overcoming various social problems referring to best practices carried out by the Korean Government, including poverty issues, handling people with disabilities and vulnerable groups in Indonesia," Harry said.
In line with Harry, the Chairman of the Trustees of the Sahid Jaya Foundation, Sarwo Budi Wiryanti Sukamdani will also create opportunities to learn a lot from Korea through university cooperation and collaboration.
Sarwo admitted that nowadays, lecturers are not only required to produce work independently but also must conduct research collaborations with other researchers at home and abroad. Therefore, the research can be more comprehensive.
Hopefully, the research results will encourage and strengthen collaboration with researchers abroad in an equal, balanced, and contributive position. As science and technology develop, this collaborative research will expectantly improve the quality of research through superior innovative products in the real market.
"Such as managing the potential of the creative industry in South Korea that produces globally known boybands, girlbands, and Korean dramas. It is supported by the made-by-government ecosystem and the enhancement of Korea's natural and cultural potential. Therefore, it is worthy of being a model for other Asian countries such as Indonesia," said Wiryanti.
Harry hoped that the collaboration between universities within the Sahid Jaya Foundation and Shinhan University could run well and achieve optimal results for the education field progression while providing practice space and employment opportunities for students from both parties.
The Gala Dinner & Cultural Performance Night between the Sahid Jaya Foundation & Shinhan University at Grand Sahid Jaya was attended by the President of Shinhan University Mr. Kang Sung Jong, Secretary General of the Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia-Pacific Cities Mr. Kim Soo Il, General Chair of the Sahid Jaya Foundation Nugroho B. Sukamdani and his staff, Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah, Head of Jakarta Region I Education Sub-Department Rona Eveliner Sianipar and Principal of SD Bendungan Hilir 01.
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Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Learning From Korea, Changing Mindset is the Key to Successful HRD

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