JAKARTA (July 23, 2020) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Planning Bureau collaborates with an international organization in the field of children, ChildFund International, to accelerate development in the field of social welfare. This was realized by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MSP) between the Ministry of Social Affairs represented by the Head of the Planning Bureau, Adhy Karyono, and the Country Director of ChildFund International, Hanneke Oudkerk, at the Ministry of Social Affairs Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday.
"The signing of the Ministry of Social Affairs’ MSP with ChildFund International is to support the government in accelerating development, especially children's social welfare for the 2020-2023 period. This MSP specifically regulates three scopes of cooperation," said Adhy Karyono.
The 3 (three) scopes of the cooperation, he continued, are child protection; increasing the capability and social responsibility of adolescents and young people; and disaster risk reduction, response and post-disaster.
The scope of this collaboration is suitable with the child protection programs owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs in the national disaster management cluster has the duty and function to provide social protection to residents affected by disasters.
"Technically, ChildFund International will work closely with the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation and the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims of the Ministry of Social Affairs under the supervision of the Planning Bureau as the coordinator of international cooperation," Adhy concluded.
ChildFund International is a non-profit, non-sectarian, and non-political organization that focuses on the development of children and families that has been a partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs since 1973. ChildFund programs/activities in Indonesia are explicitly directed to continue supporting the development direction of the Government of Indonesia, namely The 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan is to improve people's welfare and continue to support efforts to reduce poverty in Indonesia.
Non-Governmental cooperation between the Ministry of Social Affairs and foreign organizations such as ChildFund International is one of the strategies to accelerate development through effective, synergistic partnerships, in accordance with local needs and able to fill gaps in Government programs.
Ministry of Social Affairs Signs MoU with ChildFund International

Tutik Inayati
Intan Qonita N
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana