JAKARTA (February 26, 2025) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) are working together to carry out random testing and updating of the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN). The collaboration is outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Updating DTSEN.
"DTSEN is complete, we are conducting a ground check," said Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul in a press conference at the Kemensos Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (26/2/2025).
As a follow-up to the MoU, Gus Ipul said that the Ministry of Social Affairs had held an online meeting with BPS, social services throughout Indonesia and Family Hope Program (PKH) assistants. The meeting marked the start of training for all related parties to begin data updating training.
"In this context, the central and regional BPS will guide friends at the regional level," he said.
He hopes that the dynamic data can be maintained in terms of consistency and accuracy, so that social assistance can be distributed to the right targets.
"This data will be a guideline for us to distribute social assistance in the second quarter," he said.
He said the routine and ongoing DTSEN updating process will improve the quality of the data. However, it is acknowledged that this does take time.
"The quality has increased, the accuracy has also increased," he said.
Gus Ipul also required more than 33 thousand PKH assistants to take part in DTSEN updating training. He ensured that this process would be supervised.
"There are tests that we give after taking this training," he said.
When asked about the difference in recipients of assistance between the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) and DTSEN, he said there must be a difference. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs will ensure its accuracy with a ground check.
"Because this is re-measured, matched with other data. So, there must be some that come in and out," he said.
On the same occasion, BPS Head Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said the DTSEN Updating MoU aims to strengthen collaboration between BPS and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Because, collaboration is the key to success.
"We will continue to prepare the data needed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and we will ensure that the quality is in accordance with the needs that can later be utilized by the Minister of Social Affairs and his staff," he said.
He said that DTSEN will be updated every three months. The update is carried out through ground checks, the Cek Bansos application, and other data.
"For example, BPJS Health, we will also collaborate with the KPU, we will continue to reconcile with Dukcapil, because Dukcapil data is also dynamic," he said.
Amalia said that the ground check will be carried out for about two weeks. During the ground check, BPS will ensure the completeness of the variables that must be recorded. According to him, the more complete the variables, the better the quality of the data.
"Around 36 variables will be updated during the ground check, this will complete DTSEN," he said.