Jakarta (February 17, 2025) - The presence of the National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN) has inspired the importance of data matching before being used as a reference for programs.

This was a common understanding in a meeting between the Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf, the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Rachmat Pambudy, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Abdul Mu'ti, and the Acting Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti at the Bappenas Office, Jakarta, Monday (2/17/2025).

On this occasion, the Minister of Dikdasmen, Abdul Mu'ti said that President Prabowo said he would provide assistance to non-ASN teachers who were not yet certified on Teachers' Day 2024. He also adhered to data for the realization of teacher welfare.

"This is indeed our joint effort," said Mu'ti.

He said data validation was an important step in improving teacher welfare. According to him, it is also necessary to combine the data.

"So that there is no duplication," he said.

Regarding this, Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul said that all data on beneficiaries that enter the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) will be intervened. Beneficiaries used to refer to the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), but now there is the National Single Social and Economic Data (DTSEN).

"Most of the Kemensos programs, the budget is social protection, now it is balanced between social protection and empowering," he said.

In the context of teacher welfare assistance, he said that final data formulated by the three related ministries and BPS is needed. This is as the Ministry of Social Affairs which is currently continuing to coordinate with BPS, especially regarding updating DTSEN.

"There is an agreed mechanism for updating," he said.

On the same occasion, Minister of National Development Planning Rachmat Pambudy said that the data of teachers who are entitled to receive assistance needs to be finalized together between the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of National Development Planning, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, and BPS. He also advised that this data also always be updated.

"Data matching cannot stop when distributing, but also during verification," he said.