Jakarta (20 Februari 2025) – Indonesia has finally made history in the era of President Prabowo's administration with the launch of the single national socio-economic data (DTSEN) which will become a new reference for all ministries/institutions and regional governments for the distribution of social assistance and empowerment programs that are more targeted.

After Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 4/2025 concerning DTSEN was issued, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) then submitted a single data matching report to a number of ministries. The DTSEN results report was signed by the Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar, Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Saifullah Yusuf, Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Rachmat Pambudy, and Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.

Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) admitted that he was happy because President Prabowo's mandate had been implemented together through collaboration across ministries and institutions. Before being inaugurated, Gus Ipul admitted that he had been given a mandate by President Prabowo Subianto to work with accurate data.

"The President's order is for single data and orders all ministries and institutions to submit data to BPS to be validated, re-measured, now it's single data," said Gus Ipul after receiving DTSEN from BPS at the Bappenas office, Thursday (20/2/2025).

He said that currently President Prabowo's direction can be implemented well. The final DTSEN report has become a historical record for Indonesia. "In the era of President Prabowo with clear direction and openness of all ministers, DTSEN can be realized," he said.

Gus Ipul said that in the Presidential Instruction (Inpres), the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) is tasked with updating data. This is because data is dynamic because there are always residents who die, are born and move.

"So, we need to be open to accommodate all aspirations so that they are involved in the updating. In the context of updating, it can be done through formal channels, RT/RW signed by the regent, then up to DTSEN," he said.

Another data updating mechanism is through a participatory channel via the Cek Bansos application. In the application, there is a proposal to object to recipients of social assistance by attaching evidence. "People can't just say that it's not on target. Prove it by attaching several things, there are provisions," he said.

At the Ministry of Social Affairs, this DTSEN will then be used for the main data for the distribution of social assistance for the next period.

Meanwhile, BPS Head Amalia said that the process of matching data belonging to a number of ministries and institutions to DTSEN had previously been consulted with the Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs, Minister of Social Affairs, Minister of PPN, and Minister of Home Affairs until it produced the final results.

"We report that DTSEN has been declared complete as of February 3. We express our deepest gratitude because the DTSEN unification process is a collaboration of all, not just the work of BPS," said Amalia.

Amalia said that in DTSEN, 285 million single individuals were recorded without any duplication. Then there are 93 million legitimate heads of families (KK) based on Dukcapil data. However, this data is not final but dynamic so that periodic updates are needed.

"Because social data is always dynamic every day, we have discussed it, we will get the input data back and ground check, we will return it to the three ministers according to the direction of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 4 of 2025," he said.

In the same place, the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Rachmat Pambudy said that DTSEN could only be completed because there was flexibility, an atmosphere of togetherness, and sincerity. This is because each ministry/institution must submit data to BPS.

"It should be like that, BPS is like statistical policy, data must be collected and processed by BPS," he said.

He said the term single data exists because he believes there is a Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). So, there should not be two data except two different people. "This is a new history to move on from old problems that have not been resolved," he said.

According to him, old problems have not been resolved because the data has never been managed properly. He is grateful that together with President Prabowo and the ministers and BPS, Indonesia has finally been able to complete the single data. "On behalf of Bappenas, I express my gratitude," he said.

Just to let you know, DTSEN is an integration of three main databases, namely DTKS, Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek), and Targeting for the Acceleration of the Eradication of Extreme Poverty (P3KE). This data consolidation is then cross-tested by BPS with the Population Administration Information System (SIAK) owned by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure data accuracy.