Jakarta (February 19, 2025) - National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN) can be a tool for accelerating poverty reduction in all regions. Of course, with collaborative work between the central and regional governments.

"We all work together, we open everything. We intervene together, God willing, it will be significant in reducing poverty," said Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf during a dialogue with the Heads of Social Offices throughout East Java in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/19/2025).

DTSEN initiative, explained Minister Gus Ipul, marks the first time that Indonesia has a single data that will be a reference for all Ministries/Institutions, as well as local governments in implementing poverty alleviation programs.

The background to the formulation of DTSEN came from the inaccuracy of the target for the distribution of social assistance. Because of the many versions of data owned by each Ministry/Institution.

"So far, we have been working alone, only using our own data.  Therefore, President Prabowo gave a message to work based on data. Because in the past, a lot of our assistance was not on target," said Social Affairs Minister Gus Ipul.

President Prabowo's breakthrough to realize a single integrated data will be a reference for all parties in implementing social welfare programs.

"The President directed all Ministries/Institutions that have data to be consolidated and updated into a single data and later all Ministries/Institutions and Regional Governments will have one data," explained Gus Ipul.

The management of DTSEN is carried out by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) which has been given a mandate by law to process poverty data.

"This is scientific, managed by a credible institution (BPS) through statistical processing. This data is guaranteed not to increase poverty rates in your areas," he said.

This is because there are still several areas that are the Head of the Regional, worried that poverty data in their areas will increase after DTSEN is implemented.

In DTSEN, there will be a categorization of society based on deciles that will help the Government in providing more appropriate interventions according to the conditions in each decile categorization. 

"With this data (DTSEN), our intervention will be more focused because there are deciles 1 to 10. It's not data on poor people only, but this is also data on the entire Indonesian community and it is in those deciles," he said. 

Meanwhile, to ensure that the data in DTSEN is accurate, Minister Gus Ipul instructed all Heads of Social Offices to actively participate in ensuring that the data updating process is carried out in each region. 

"So we should update the data because every day there are people who die, move, some who move up a class, so it's dynamic. Because of that dynamic, we have to update it," said Gus Ipul. 

Two update channels can be taken, namely the formal and the participation.  The first, namely the proposal via RT/RW through village/sub-district deliberations and forwarded to the Social Office until the validation process by the regent/mayor.

Meanwhile, for the second, the public can directly submit proposals or objections through the Cek Bansos application if there is a discrepancy in the data contained in the DTSEN later.

"Everyone can straighten out this data. Open the Cek Bansos application, there is a suggestion-objection menu. Some requirements must be met, for example, a photo of their house. Please suggest attaching photos and other supporting documents, later it will be processed by the PKH companions and the sub-district/village officers," said Minister Gus Ipul. 

The process of updating and validating the status of Social Assistance participants will be carried out every three months when DTSEN is activated. 

"So every three months, the recipients of Social Assistance will be evaluated by the system whether they are still eligible to receive Social Assistance or not. So this is our updating mechanism," he said. 

In addition, to make the collaboration between MoSA and Social Offices throughout East Java a success in implementing the social welfare program and updating the DTSEN, Minister Gus Ipul will intensively coordinate with the elected regional heads. 

"In the future, I will talk to the regents/mayors, please pay attention to the Social Offices budget as they pay attention to the education, health, and other sectors," he said.