JAKARTA (February 26, 2025) - Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and Statistics Indonesia (BPS) have begun conducting ground checks to ensure the accuracy of National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN). This field check involves Family Hope Program (PKH) companions, BPS, and social offices throughout Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) in his remarks during the dissemination of the ground check at the BPS Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (26/2/2025). The activity was attended by PKH companions, BPS officials, and Social Offices online.

"What we will do soon is a ground check, to ensure the existence of the beneficiary family and complete their socioeconomic profiles," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul explained that DTSEN is dynamic, so updating is key to keeping this data accurate and relevant. He emphasized the importance of the role of PKH companions in the updating.

In this case, the role of PKH companions is very vital. You are all the key persons in conducting cross-checking of data verification and facilitating data updates at the grassroots level," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul further explained that the tasks of PKH companions in updating DTSEN include implementing ground checks to complete data variables, checking the existence of active or inactive beneficiaries, and completing the variable entries for the basis of ranking that has been determined by BPS. Then, conducting field verification of community proposals and objections, and utilizing DTSEN to assist beneficiaries more effectively.

 "Therefore, for data updating to run smoothly, every PKH companion must, I repeat, every PKH companion must, one, attend the DTSEN updating ground check training. Two, divide the work area professionally. Three, establish active communication with BPS and social offices in the regions. Four, provide accurate data. Five, maintain conduciveness in the field. And six, carry out tasks with enthusiasm and joy," said Gus Ipul. Meanwhile, the Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said that her party had conducted a briefing to BPS at the regency/city level throughout Indonesia via Zoom on February 25, 2025 regarding this DTSEN. She said that BPS would also hold training for 33,603 PKH companions on Thursday (26/2/2025). "Then this Friday there will be monitoring and evaluation training and then later these PKH companions can immediately move to the field," said Amalia.