JAKARTA (26 Februari 2025) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) is collaborating with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen), and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to consolidate data on non-ASN and non-certified teachers to receive social assistance (Bansos) from the President.

Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf said that the collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and BPS in matching teacher data for Bansos is also part of the DTSEN update. He said this collaboration will continue to be strengthened.

"Data must be one door, so that solid data can be provided," said Gus Ipul during a meeting on DTSEN with BPS at the Kemensos office, Jakarta, Wednesday (26/2/2025).

Regarding this, the Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said that the process of matching teacher data requires two-way communication with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). The matching is compiled by entering the name, NIK, certification status to employee status.

"BPS has the task of carrying out sectoral data development. In the future, we will direct the ministries to complete their data," said Amalia.

She said that the matching of the names of teachers who will be given social assistance is checked according to DTSEN. So, when duplicate names are found, they can be immediately checked according to the single NIK in DTSEN.

"With DTSEN we can clean it up and make it better," she said.

According to her, this collaboration between ministries/institutions is an effort to make President Prabowo's program a success. The Ministry of Social Affairs distributes social assistance to teachers under the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

"BPS helps prepare the data," she said.