Jakarta (February 17, 2025) – Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) instructed his staff to improve performance in 2025, along with the issuance of Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2025 on National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN). It will be the main reference in the distribution of social assistance and community empowerment programs.

“DTSEN has been completed. This is a guideline for us to intervene with beneficiaries in the future. This data is also a reference for all ministries, institutions, and regional governments,” said Gus Ipul in a morning assembly in the yard of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) Office, Monday (2/17/2025).

Furthermore, Gus Ipul emphasized that the Presidential Instruction prohibits the use of another data besides DTSEN to maintain the accuracy and validity of beneficiary data. With integrated data, it is hoped that social assistance programs can be more targeted and effective in eradicating poverty.

In addition, he emphasized the importance of collaboration and synergy between Work Units in the First Level in supporting poverty eradication programs. The Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, and the Directorate General of Social Empowerment must work as one and not work alone. 

To increase the effectiveness of the program, MoSA is also accelerating the graduation process of Beneficiary Families (KPM) so that they can be independent and get out of the data of social assistance recipients. 

"What is in the data must be released immediately, don't make them comfortable and demotivated. So far, there have been 10 or 15 years beneficiaries who have received Social Assistance, that's called making people comfortable, making the family demotivated, only depend on receiving Social Assistance," said Gus Ipul. 

As part of the national strategy, President Prabowo has formed the Coordinating Ministry for Community Empowerment to balance social protection and social empowerment.  Gus Ipul emphasized that the more beneficiary families who switch to empowerment programs, the more successful MoSA performance in eradicating poverty.

For those who are not ready to immediately switch from social protection to empowerment, a social rehabilitation process will be carried out.

"After rehabilitation, they will enter the empowerment stage, then the first stage of graduation, until finally reaching the second stage of graduation," he said.

Ending his direction, Gus Ipul invited all employees of MoSA to follow the established business process and work with the principles of being directed, integrated, and sustainable to make the poverty eradication program in Indonesia a success.