JAKARTA (February 14, 2025) – Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2025 on National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN) has been officially issued on February 5, 2025. In the future, all social assistance and community empowerment programs from all institutions will refer to this data.
"Now it is final, there is already a Presidential Instruction," said Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul.
DTSEN is an integration of three main databases, namely Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS), Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek), and Targeting for the Acceleration of the Eradication of Extreme Poverty (P3KE). This data consolidation is then cross-tested by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) with the Population Administration Information System (SIAK) owned by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure data accuracy.
Although it is final, this data is still dynamic, so Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) together with BPS continues to update it periodically every three months to ensure the data remains valid.
Gus Ipul said the next step after the DTSEN Presidential Instruction is issued, MoSA will conduct random tests in the field. Ministry of Social Affairs will collaborate with regents, mayors, and governors to ensure it is following the data in the field.
"We continue to verify and validate this," he said.
He also ensured that MoSA and BPS will verify and validate the DTSEN every three months. MoSA will also form a Task Force to prepare a hotline, monitor, and evaluate.
"Task Force is involved in pre-implementation, implementation, all are included," he said.
Gus Ipul said the DTSEN update must go through the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that has been agreed upon by MoSA together with BPS. "We make the protocol," he said.
He said that there is a possibility that in the first quarter there will be beneficiaries who receive social assistance. However, in the second quarter there is a chance that they will not receive it.
"Because of the update," he said.
Gus Ipul also responded to the issue of social assistance being criticized for not being on target. According to him, it was not on target and it would be the subject of evaluation and homework for MoSA.
"So since the beginning, the President gave us direction to be asked to improve the data," he said.
He said that over the past three months, MoSA and BPS have always coordinated to improve the data.
"We agree that digitalization in the distribution of social assistance later there will be other things that can support this is to be on target, of course we are welcome for that," he said.