JAKARTA (6 November 2024) - Welcoming International Disability Day (HDI), Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) held a meeting with various parties. One of them was Angkie Yudistia, a sociopreneur who is also a former presidential special staff for social affairs, at the Ministry of Social Affairs office on Wednesday (6/11/2024).

The meeting focused on the government's efforts to increase the participation of people with disabilities in social and professional life. “The government continues to try to facilitate disability through various policies. There are the fulfillment of basic rights, education, and health. Currently, incentives and concessions are being sought,” Gus Ipul said.

M. O. Royani, Director of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities at the Ministry of Social Affairs, who was also present at the hearing, said that there were three key messages in commemorating HDI, namely increasing the leadership of persons with disabilities to participate in the decision-making process actively; inclusiveness where persons with disabilities and non-disabled people both have equal opportunity to work; and sustainability.

The issue of inclusive education was also highlighted, especially regarding the limited access of persons with disabilities at the level of smaller spheres of government such as sub-districts. Angkie proposed that inclusive schools be available not only in public schools but also in private schools. In responding to this issue, Gus Ipul saw the need for further consolidation with relevant agencies.

In addition to education, various incentives and concessions were also discussed to support the basic needs of people with disabilities, such as affordable assistive devices and transport discounts.

Gus Ipul emphasized the need for concrete steps to realize these concessions, especially to the implementation of Law No. 8/2016 on Persons with Disabilities, seven government regulations, as well as two relevant presidential regulations.

This hearing confirmed the Ministry of Social Affairs' commitment to prioritize the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities through inclusive and sustainable policies.

With these various plans, the Ministry of Social Affairs seeks to ensure that persons with disabilities not only fulfill their basic needs but can also play an active role in society. This is in line with the theme of this year's Disability Day celebration, namely amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.