BOGOR (October 21, 2019) - Inspector General of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Dadang Iskandar invited all levels of the Government Internal Control System Task Force (SPIP) within the Ministry of Social Affairs to step on the gas in overseeing the Implementation of Social Welfare.
"Next year, the Ministry of Social Affairs' budget for social assistance will increase from IDR 54 trillion in 2019 to IDR 58 trillion in 2020. We must fully monitor this increase in budget. Ensure that it is implemented effectively, efficiently, complies with laws so that the social welfare goals of the Indonesian people can be realized," he said when opening the SPIP Task Force Strengthening Workshop within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs which was attended by 180 people from work units throughout Indonesia, in Bogor, Monday.
The Inspector General revealed that accountability regarding the realization of the budget must really be guarded. Moreover, currently the Ministry of Social Affairs is in the top 5 Ministries with the largest indicative ceiling allocation in the 2019 RAPBN and the highest realization. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Social Affairs budget has increased from IDR 57.2 trillion in 2019 to IDR 62.8 trillion in 2020.
"So that it must continue to strengthen the role of the SPIP Task Force so that it can properly oversee state financial accountability," he explained.
The Inspector General said, overseeing state financial accountability includes five aspects namely the effectiveness and efficiency of governance, ensuring transparent and accountable financial implementation and reporting, safeguarding state assets, and compliance with laws and regulations.
Dadang revealed that the government's budget comes from the people and must be utilized as much as possible for the people. This task is not only the responsibility of the Inspectorate General, but all work units within the Ministry of Social Affairs must realize good governance starting from overseeing state financial accountability.
"Therefore, I call for a serious commitment from all work unit leaders to realize good governance and carry out strengthening in their areas. Including the development of a Corruption-Free Integrity Zone," said the Inspector General.
He gave an example, in the implementation of programs or activities that must be oriented towards clear outputs and outcomes. Social welfare activities must be effective and efficient.
Workshop on Strengthening the SPIP Task Force within the Ministry of Social Affairs with the theme "Internalization of the Roles and Responsibilities of the SPIP Task Force in Supervising the Implementation of Social Welfare."
"BPKP has provided the results of a Maturity Assessment in achieving Clean and Good Governance to the Ministry of Social Affairs, which is at level 3 of the 5 existing levels. That is, there are well-documented internal control practices. In the future, I hope that in 2023 it can reach level 5, which has implemented sustainable internal control, integrated in the implementation of activities and automatic monitoring using computer applications," he said.
The SPIP Task Force Strengthening Workshop at the Ministry of Social Affairs lasted for 3 days, namely 20-22 October 2019.
Present as a guest speaker Member of Commission VIII Dr. H. M. Ali Taher, Dirbintibmas Korbinmas the Indonesian National Police Headquarters Police Brigadier General Drs. Edi Setio Budi Santoso, Head of General Staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Headquarters TNI Lieutenant General Joni Supriyanto, Assistant Deputy for Coordination of Policy Implementation and Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Oversight III of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform RB Naptalina Sipayungm S.H., MAP., Lecturer at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Dr. Ismail Cawidu, M.Sc.
The event was closed with brainstorming related to the progress of the SPIP implementation led by the Head of the General Inspectorate General Agus Elia Gunawan.
Acting Head of Public Relation Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Sonny W Manalu
In 2020 the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Steps on the Gas to Guard the Implementation of Social Welfare
