JAKARTA (July 23, 2020) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara was a speaker at the District of Social Welfare Worker Coordination Meeting (TKSK). Coordination Meetings was held via teleconference. The activity took the theme "The Active Role of TKSK in the New Normal Era and the Opportunities and Challenges of TKSK in Carrying out its Role". Approximately 300 TKSK from all over Indonesia participated in the event.
Located in the Ministry of Social Affairs Office Room, the Director General of Social Empowerment, Edi Suharto, accompanied the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs to greet TKSK throughout Indonesia at the event.
In his direction, the Minister of Social Affairs appreciated the performance of TKSK, which has been an active partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs in overcoming social problems in the field. Like the current economic conditions, layoffs can cause new social problems. The existence of these conditions prompted TKSK to carry out mapping and review whether the program was running and on target.
"Thank you for TKSK from Sabang until Merauke for making it easier for the Ministry of Social Affairs. In the future, it is hoped that TKSK's communication with the Ministry of Social Affairs can run more intensive. For example, by using an application to make reporting easier and directly conveyed,“ said Juliari P. Batubara who today turns 48 years old.
For approximately 2 hours, the Minister of Social Affairs talked through a question and answer session. The Minister of Social Affairs wants to hear firsthand how TKSK works in the field. What are the obstacles faced, and what are the suggestions for the Ministry of Social Affairs from the programs that are already running.
“The presence of TKSK in the field affects the performance of local governments a lot. Although structurally TKSK does not exist in the structure of the Ministry of Social Affairs, it plays an important role in harmony with the Ministry of Social Affairs program. Especially in the distribution of social assistance programs from the Ministry of Social Affairs,” said Juliari.
TKSK throughout Indonesia as many as 7,201. TKSK is tasked with assisting the implementation of social welfare in its area. This was conveyed by Edi Suharto after the Minister of Social Affairs opened the Coordination Meeting.
"TKSK numbered 7,201 according to the number of sub-districts throughout Indonesia. The task of this TKSK is to assist the Ministry of Social Affairs, Provincial and Regency/City Social Services in implementing social welfare with the functions of coordination, facilitation, and administration,” explained Edi Suharto.
This activity was very well received by the TKSK who participated in the Coordination Meeting. The Minister of Social Affairs received approximately 20 questions that came from TKSK in the eastern, central, and western regions of Indonesia. Many suggestions and inputs were submitted directly to the Minister of Social Affairs.
“With many Beneficiary Families(KPM) being served and the number of e-warongs being very minimal, please increase the number of e-warongs, sir. Because it is also related to the availability of goods," explained TKSK from Surakarta EmaZaki
One of the participants of the Coordination Meeting, TKSK CentralMaluku, also expressed his pride in being able to discuss and immediately be answered by the Minister of Social Affairs.
The purpose of this activity is to be able to listen to the aspirations of the TKSK who are also as the facilitators of BPNT and help oversee the government's social assistance program. TKSK as the spearhead of the Ministry of Social Affairs is also expected to be able to map and see again that the benefits of government programs have been felt by the recipients and are right on target.
At the end of the teleconference, the Minister of Social Affairs emphasized the importance of TKSK's involvement in efforts to deal with COVID-19 in their respective regions. TKSK can partner with related parties, especially with the Social Service and Local Government.
"Hopefully TKSK can do a good job. If there are things that are still lacking from the Ministry of Social Affairs, please forgive us. We will fix it in the future. I am very happy to meet and greet TKSK throughout Indonesia. We will schedule activities like this once a month. What you do is noble. Stay healthy and enthusiastic," said the Minister of Social Affairs.
Accompanying the Minister of Social Affairs in the Coordination Meeting was the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment and the Minister's Technical Personnel of Poverty Handling.
Minister of Social Affairs Appreciates TKSK Performance in Overcoming Social Problems in the Field
