JAKARTA (September 6. 2019) – The Ministry of Social Affairs conveyed clarification related to a patient of Premium Assistance Recipients of National Health Insurance (PBI JKN) who did not receive health service because got crossed out from membership.
That was delivered by the Head of Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) from the Ministry of Social Affairs Mirza Pahlevi, responding on press statement of Indonesian Dialysis Patients Community (KPCDI) on September 5, 2019, that a patient named Bariyadi (48 years old) from Klaten, Central Java, could not do the dialysis because the PBI JKN Card was inactive.
“We check in Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) and the person concerned is not registered in DTKS and also in the membership of PBI JKN,” he said in Jakarta, Friday evening.
Mirza explained that based on the data and information searches from by the Data and Information Center Team from the Ministry of Social Affairs together with BPJS Kesehatan team, the person concerned is included as the member of PBI which is financed by local budget.
At this time, he continues, with the quick movement by the Ministry of Social Affairs-BPJS Kesehatan, the membership of PBI JKN on behalf of Bariyadi has been re-activated so that the person can access the dialysis service on schedule and guaranteed by JKN.
Meanwhile, related to KPCDI’s Statement which said that the Ministry of Social Affairs has deactivated 5.227.852 persons from the list of PBI JKN has taken a toll, Mirza confirmed that this was not true.
He said that the name Bariyadi as mentioned by KPCDI was not included inside 5.2 million of PBI JKN data which on July 30, 2019 has been replaced with new members.
As known based on Social Affairs Minister Republic of Indonesia’s Decision Letter No.79/2019 on the date of 30 July 2019 on Data Deactivation and Transformation of PBI JKN’s members in 2019 Phase Six. In the Letter,it is mentioned that the replacement of PBI JK members in Indonesia was a total of 5.222.852 persons.
“Bariyadi is not included on the list of 5,2 million members. The members who got replaced are those who never accessed the determined health service to the health facility, had passed away, and double data,” he confirmed.
Public Relation Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Social Affairs Gives Clarification on PBI-JKN Patient Who Cannot Do Dialysis
