SURABAYA (4 December 2019) – The Social Affairs Minister Juliari P. Batubara stated that many problems were faced by this country, because of our negligence on applying Pancasila values. The Minister persuaded all nation’s element to grow and practice the Pancasila’s value.
According to the father of two children, this nation kept facing the challenges. There was suspiciousness between nation’s element, hostile to each other, even it became the social conflict, such as the one which was happening in Ambon and Papua.
“This is pathetic. This happens because of our negligence on applying the Pancasila. If we want to rise to become the winning nation, then we need to back to the Pancasila,” said the Minister in his speech on “Reconciliation of National Non-Cash Social Assistance Distribution of Family Hope Program (PKH) on 2019” in Surabaya, Wednesday (04/11/2019).
The Former Chairman of Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI) reminded that, as the nation’s people, we had lived together for thousand years, fought together, rose our children together, and died on the same land.
“Thus, there is only one choice, which is to keep the nation’s unity and integrity,” said the Minister.
The man who was born in Jakarta, on 22 July of 1972, also explained on the other problems which indicated on the weakening of nation’s quality. He quoted on the result of a survey toward the student of The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which showed the student’s quality in Indonesia was in the unsatisfied position.
On the same moment, the advancement of communication technology also brought threats toward the young generation which populated in amount of 129 million persons.
“The young generation, which is the country’s heir on the future, now having the degradation because of the impact from massive movement of technology and information. Not all of the scattered content from the application is beneficial and it can easily reach the generations,” said the Minister.
Thus, the Social Affairs Minister asked every stakeholder including the parents to be more careful with the technology which spread the negative information or news. “Negative content can disturb the nation’s unity. Where we will bring this country to? Are we going to be the civilized or savage nation?” said the former member of commission VI of the RI House of Representatives.
If the problems were not getting the solutions, said the Minister, then Indonesia would become the loser nations. “We only have war and fight against ourself. If we want, we can have a fight against another nation,” he said. Thus, according to the Minister, if we wanted to be the winning nation, we had to get back to the Pancasila.
“Each one of us must ensures that our attitude has reflecting the ideology of Pancasila. This is non-negotiable. If there is one who cannot accept Pancasila, they shall not become the Indonesian people. For the public officials, I remind you to apply the Pancasila’s value,” said the Chairman of Indonesia Lubricant Producent Association (Aspelindo) in periods of 2007-2014.
Closing his speech, the Minister persuaded every stakeholder to protect and appreciate the value of humanity, unity, diversity, and appreciate the local wisdom. “Where can we start it? It can start from our self,” said the Minister.
There were two event which been attended on the Social Affairs Minister’s work visit in Surabaya, today. It was the “National Workshop of Local Wisdom”, and “National Reconciliation and Evaluation of Family Hope Program Assistance Distribution”. Then, the Minister also visit on the Collective Business Group operations of E-Warong Sidosemo Sejahtera, in the Sub-District of Sidosermo, District of Wonocolo, Surabaya.
Started from 6 August on 2016, the Collective Business Group E-Warong Sidosermo Sejahtera had served 600 Family Beneficiaries which spread around 5 sub-districts (Siwalankerto, Jemur Wonosari, Margerejo, Bendul Merisi, and Sidosermo). Moreover, than served the foodstuffs such as rice and egg, they were also serving the public stuffs.
The Director General of Social Protection and Security Harry Hikmat, Director General of Poverty Reductions Andi ZA Dulung, Echelon II officials of The Ministry of Social Affairs, several head of Himbara Bank, the officials from East Java Provincial Government, religion and public figures accompanied the Minister.
Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau
The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Social Affairs Minister: Apply Pancasila Values If We Want to be The Winning Nation
