JAKARTA (July 3, 2020) - The Government through the Ministry of Social Affairs has accelerated the distribution of social assistance (social assistance) for people affected by COVID-19 by cooperating with communities, one of which is Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes).
"In addition to friendship, we are here to distribute 3000 social assistance packages from the Ministry of Social Affairs and 300 presidential assistance packages for people affected by COVID-19," said Social Minister Juliari P Batubara accompanied by Prof. KH Syukron Makmun in Ponar Daarul Rahman, Jalan Purwa Raya I Jalan Kavling DKI Complex, Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Thursday (2/7/2020).
Of course, said Juliari, it is still in the atmosphere of a COVID-19 pandemic that requires discipline from all parties, especially in the new normal phase which must still comply with health protocols.
"Half a year ago, no one knew the conditions would be like this, in the new normal phase, we had to keep wearing masks, always washing our hands, not being able to crowd, and keeping our distance," said Juliari.
Discipline from all citizens is the key efforts to suppress and break the spread of COVID-19, with the hope that the situation will return to normal.
"Live a disciplined life until you find the COVID-19 vaccine, now that vaccine testing has begun, hopefully soon it will be found so that we can resume our normal activities," Juliari said.
Through the social assistance it is hoped that the community will feel the presence of the state, relieve citizens affected by COVID-19, and be able to move the people's economy.
"As a budget user, the Ministry of Social Affairs focuses on hard work so that benefits can be enjoyed immediately and can move the community's economy," said Juliari.
Social Minister motivates students to remain disciplined in learning and living, because discipline is the key to all success.
"History records many Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) produce important people. In the future, not only graduating but also giving birth to prospective national leaders, whether as mayors, governors, ministers, vice presidents to presidents, "said Juliari.
To be disciplined does not need to be a general first, but starts to be a leader for yourself, from the little things in everyday life, such as waking up, cleaning the mattress, eating to lifestyle.
"Not only during the new normal phase, in Ponpes the discipline has been going very well and in an orderly manner, of course thanks to the full support and good examples of Clerics who need to be piloted in other boarding schools," hoped Social Minister Juliari.
With the discipline that has been applied in Ponpes not only will be able to produce the clerics, but the future leaders of the nation and state.
"So there is a message from Bung Karno that" hang your dreams as high as the sky later if you fall between beautiful stars, "added Juliari.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs
Visit Islamic Boarding School, Social Minister: Discipline is the Key to Success
