JAKARTA (February 3, 2025) - Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and Statistics Indonesia (BPS) have finalized the National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN). It's targeted to be launched this month.
"It will be announced at the right time, hopefully this month," said Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf after meeting with the Head of BPS in his office, Jakarta, Monday (3/2/2025).
Gus Ipul, his nickname, said that the finalization of DTSEN would be coordinated with the relevant ministries. When DTSEN is complete, the beneficiary profile will be mapped again.
"The interventions include social protection, social rehabilitation, and social empowerment," he said.
He also said that there is an opportunity to increase the list of beneficiaries for the Family Hope Program (PKH), social assistance, and Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI). MoSA also opened the door to objections and suggestions as the beneficiary of PKH to social assistance.
"The opportunity will be to work together again with the local government, in this case the regent, mayor, and our companions," he said.
He ensured that the DTSEN will be rechecked and updated every three months before the distribution of Social Assistance. So, the hope is that the assistance is right on target.
"The final data is dynamic. Every day there are deaths and births, every day there are people who move and go abroad," he said.
Gus Ipul said that updating the DTSEN is very important because it is very dynamic. Not only carried out by ministries and institutions but also local governments.
"I am happy because everything is going according to our previous plan, and this has reached the end point of the entire process that we have gone through," he said.
On the same occasion, Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasari said that the DTSEN had reached the end point. The finalization of the DTSEN will be further coordinated with other ministries.
"The name of this single data is the reconciliation process with all available data including Dukcapil (Population and Civil Registration) data," he said.