BANYUMAS (February 1, 2025) – Ministry of Social Affairs held a dialogue with 398 social pillars at Pendopo Si Panji, Banyumas Regency. The dialogue was attended by Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf, accompanied by Vice Minister of Social Affairs Agus Jabo Priyono.
This activity is an important momentum in aligning the steps of the central and regional governments in reducing poverty rates through the implementation of the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN) and optimizing business processes in the distribution of social assistance.
"DTSEN is the first single data system that integrates social welfare information from various ministries and institutions, including the results of matching by the Statistics Indonesia (BPS)," said Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) Saturday (01/02/2025).
This system aims to ensure that social assistance is provided to those who need it, with accurate, dynamic, and real-time data. Through DTSEN, every beneficiary will be verified continuously, so that those who no longer meet the criteria—for example due to increased welfare, moving, or death—will be automatically updated. Gus Ipul emphasized that this system will be the main tool in determining aid recipients, as well as ensuring that budget allocation is more efficient and on target.
Data updates in DTSEN can be done through two main mechanisms. First, through official channels, namely submissions from RT/RW (Neighborhood Level/Hamlet) or social companions, which will be verified by the regional and central governments. Second, through participation channels, where the community can propose or refute data that is considered inappropriate. With this mechanism, data transparency and accuracy will be increasingly guaranteed.
"Everything must be one service, namely DTSEN, which applies from the center to the regional level, so that it is more focused according to the President's direction," said Gus Ipul.
He also added that data updates will be carried out every day, so that this system is always updated according to real conditions in the field.
In addition to implementing DTSEN, Gus Ipul also highlighted the importance of effective business processes in the distribution of social assistance in order to accelerate the reduction in poverty rates.
Currently, Indonesia’s poverty rate has decreased from 9.03% to 8.57%, with Central Java Province being one of the regions with significant progress. However, a more targeted intervention pattern is needed for the 12 PAS (12 Categories of Social Attention for Persons in Need) to maintain this positive trend.
One of the concrete steps emphasized by Gus Ipul is the empowerment of aid recipients so that they do not continue to depend on Social Assistance. He emphasized that beneficiaries who are still of productive age should not receive assistance for more than five years, except for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and persons with disabilities.
Therefore, social companions, especially PKH Human Resources, are targeted to encourage at least 10 beneficiaries per year to graduate after five years of receiving assistance. After reaching the graduation stage, beneficiaries will be recommended to receive empowerment programs from other ministries or institutions, so that they still have a sustainable source of livelihood.
Gus Ipul also asked social workers to determine the type of assistance that is most appropriate for beneficiaries, whether through Social Protection and Security, Social Rehabilitation, or Social Empowerment. With this approach, every assistance provided can have a greater impact in improving the welfare of beneficiaries.
On this occasion, the Acting Regent of Banyumas, Iwannudin Iskandar, emphasized that the Banyumas Regency Government is ready to fully support all programs of the Ministry of Social Affairs in poverty alleviation efforts. He said that the regional government has carried out various interventions for beneficiaries through social pillars in the Banyumas area.
"We have a noble spirit to eradicate poverty and support the programs of the Ministry of Social Affairs. We are also ready to implement all the President's programs mandated to the Minister to meet the community's needs," he said.
As a real form of the government's commitment to improving social welfare, Gus Ipul announced that the total social assistance that has been disbursed for Banyumas Regency has reached IDR 251.023 billion. With the synergy between the central government, regional governments, and social pillars, it is hoped that poverty rates can continue to be reduced significantly.
"I want our responsibilities to increase, so that there is a sense of wanting to contribute to significantly reducing poverty rates towards Golden Indonesia 2045," he said. With accurate DTSEN implementation and more effective business process optimization, the government is optimistic that people's welfare can continue to increase sustainably, creating a more independent and prosperous Indonesia.