Jakarta (February 7, 2025) - Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has finalized the National Socioeconomic Single Data (DTSEN). Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf said that mitigation will also be prepared regarding the updating of data on recipients of social assistance referring to DTSEN. "We will prepare mitigation if in the future there are things, people who need our attention, but have not been included in the data. So that opportunity is always open," said Gus Ipul, his nickname, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (6/2/2024) evening.

Gus Ipul explained that mitigation is needed because DTSEN is dynamic. So it needs to be verified and validated periodically so that the assistance given to the community can be right on target.  "There is verification and validation. Because this data is very dynamic, every day someone dies, is born, and also moves. So this must be validated," he explained.

Gus Ipul said that later there will be two channels related to the DTSEN update mechanism. First, the official channel through RT and RW. "The official channel through RT, RW continues to the regent, mayor, up to Pusdatin (the Ministry of Social Affairs' data information center)," said Gus Ipul.

Second, through the participation channel, which allows the public to submit objections or suggestions related to the profile of prospective Social Assistance recipients. However, the authority to validate the data will be handed over to the regional government.

"For people who want to object to the suggestion, they can do so through Cek Bansos. We will also return it to the region for validation," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul further said that MoSA will receive the latest data from BPS every three months. So that recipients of Social Assistance can change every three months.  "Maybe in the first three months they get (social assistance), but in the next three months they don't get it anymore because they are considered capable," he said.

"This is what is important to understand, to be realized by the community. So it's not like before, people get (social assistance) continuously for a year. Sometimes they can only get it for three months. So this will be verified, validated continuously. For that, I ask for your understanding," continued Gus Ipul.

He said that the official launch of DTSEN will be carried out soon. "Thank God, this (DTSEN) is finished, it's complete, it's final. In the next few weeks, God willing, the Presidential Instruction (Inpres) will also be issued," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul hopes that this DTSEN is the initial data that will be used by the government, be it ministries, institutions or local governments to distribute social assistance and empowerment programs for the community.

"With this data, it is hoped that handling social problems, increasing social welfare can certainly be more effective because later the data is the same, the interventions can strengthen each other," said Gus Ipul.