JAKARTA (February 5, 2025) - Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) will collaborate with local governments in Central Java to carry out a poverty alleviation project through community empowerment. The target is for poor people to escape the poverty line.

"MoSA cannot do it alone, it must synergize with ministries, institutions, and local governments," said Vice Minister of Social Affairs, Agus Jabo Priyono in an audience with representatives of the Brebes regency government and the Central Java Regional House, at the MoSA Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/5/2025).

He explained that Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf has divided the empowerment concept into two. First, people who only want to look for jobs. Second, people who want to try are given incentives and entrepreneurship training.

"President Prabowo's order, we work based on data, don't let what we give not be on target," he said.

Agus Jabo said that the President considered that Indonesia should have been prosperous with indicators of natural resources and social assistance. Moreover, the amount of assistance the central government provides to the regions is around IDR 300 trillion, spread across several ministries.

"Why is the poverty rate sticking that big, it means there is something we have to fix," he said.

He said that MoSA has 12 program targets called 12 Social ATENSI Recipients (PAS). They consist of vulnerable children, the disabled, neglected elderly, low-income, disaster victims, those who need special affirmation, prisoners, victims of violence, victims of drugs and HIV/AIDS, people with social problems, vulnerable women, and the poor.

"People from number 1 to 11 have social problems, the 11 we have to protect," he said.

He also said that the mindset of the target poor with productive age must be changed so that they do not continue to be recipients of social assistance. They must be given training and empowered. "Our future is empowerment, productive people can work," he said.

Agus Jabo emphasized that MoSA will continue to carry out real work and synergize with various parties so that the target of community empowerment can be realized.

"So, we collaborate, the target is Central Java. Our graduation process involves other ministries," he said.

On that occasion, Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the Central Java Regional House, Yudi Indras Windarto said that 923 villages already had a decree from the regent and mayor declared as poor villages. Of these 923 villages, the local government has inventoried the number and profile of the population and the level of poverty from the portion of the distribution of Social Assistance.

"After that, we verify the potential of the village, there are tourism, crafts, and MSMEs. The potential of the village is what we will plan as a planning guide," he said.